Welcome To
The Organic Field
of Living Light
Innovative Wellness Solutions for Individual Actualization
The Personal Journey of healing
Manifest your greatest reality with a unique approach.
“There is no limit to creation when the force of the heart is combined with action of the mind.”
You can be sold countless ideas and things that falsely promise to fulfill your life. The secrets to illumination are not products, teachings, books, or masters. The Master exists already inside of you as the creative furnace that burns in your being. It’s time to dig the embers out of that hearth and set the blaze.
Program foundations are fixed in psychology, neuroscience, and holistic ideology. The Organic Field uses the most modern research blended with ancient wisdom to awaken the hearts of people and communities in re-defining what it means “to live”.
From the moment we enter this world our mind is filled with constructs that serve us or make us servile unto them. The Organic Field believes in training the mind to manifest success in personal, community, and public endeavors. Using neuropsychological research and ancient/modern mindfulness techniques we truly define our own realities.
We are energy clothed in matter. The body of matter is conduit of the consciousness, a tool that allows participation in this world. Invoking health and vitality within the temple is baseline necessary to begin transformation. We bring fun, education, and innovation in approach to health mapping. Feel your best and discover your potential with The Organic Field & Omni Health.
Consciousness is energetic structure that says, “I am.” The Organic Field views spirituality as the interaction of consciousness with this playground called life and sees religion as that which you practice every day. Releasing paradigms of what one should think and finding what speaks from within is essential in having a truly divine experience.
Standard Session
Virtual Online Appointments
The Organic Field provides exceptional service by tailoring unique programs for each client using the most up-to-date research and restorative techniques to achieve optimal results.
Nutritional Dispensary
Tired of going to the Vitamin Store? We offer the highest quality products, instant rewards/discounts, and the best supplement educators to help you select products you will love. If you don’t see your favorite brand product, we might just be able to get it in stock today!
The Root
Foundation and Principles
The Organic Field is devoted to complete actualization in mental, physical, and spiritual health. Centered in belief in the liberation of all people, The Organic Field promotes care of the WHOLE PERSON regardless of demographics or beliefs. Resources, skills, and knowledge at The Organic Field are meant to serve individuals and communities in creating a beautiful and liberated experience of reality.
“You and I began a journey together the moment you got here.” Our goal is optimal health, happiness, well-being, and prosperity to create a meaningful life that you love. The Organic Field is fundamentally against programs that want to enslave you for the benefit of someone’s pocketbook. Let’s build a system that serves you, an entirely sustainable life plan, which you can implement yourself.
Core Concepts
Health Research
The Organic Field references only the most modern and innovative information when discussing a client’s health needs, utilizing scientific databases to educate by promoting accurate data. With sufficient knowledge and experience in traditional herbal medicine and health education, The Organic Field does not perpetuate misinformation and only promotes thoroughly investigated and peer reviewed principles.
Psychology & Neuroscience
Practices draw heavily on positive psychology, the study of how individuals and communities create and maintain positive emotions. Heavy attention is paid to the modern breakthroughs in neuroscience, such as the ability to shift temperamental set points in modifying and enhancing the positive experiences in life. If you want an explanation for why your mind functions the way it does, The Organic Field is happy to educate through modern and innovative research.
Ancient Healing Arts
Though many healing arts and spiritual concepts have not been proven by science, there have been scientific studies conducted on many of the principles implemented through The Organic Field such as mindfulness and meditation. Essentially, healing arts or energy medicine are simply invocative of our natural and playful spirit to activate subconscious health mechanisms. Many people experience spontaneous change and benefit from ancient spiritual healing art forms.
Wellness Solutions
Subject Matter and Content
Holistic Health
Holistic Health Evaluation
The Holistic Health Evaluation is for clients that wish to achieve specific health goals with The Organic Field. We will analyze diet, exercise, nutrition, mental well-being, supplementation, and spirituality. We will gather any relevant medical or health information needed and correspond with your appropriate health care providers if necessary. The mission is to provide you with information to design your optimal wellness plan with achievable goals.
Nutrition & Supplementation
The Organic Field provides health education about food and nutritional supplementation (herbal, vitamin, nutrient, etc.). We will analyze the foods you eat, nutritional supplements you take, and assist you in receiving the most from what you put in your body. We are fully stocked through our Omni Health Store to provide the highest quality products to meet your health goals. Most people are spending too much money on supplements and not getting desired results. We take great care to make this addition to your lifestyle as affordable and effective as possible.
Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual counseling is performed differently at The Organic Field. Not enforcing any doctrine or belief system, instead working on the fundamentals of your faith to enhance your spiritual experience in life. With attentive knowledge to most major world religions and grounding in shamanism, the program can support anyone in pursuit of a deeper connection with life and interaction with their place in the universe.
Meditation & Mindfulness
People who meditate and use mindfulness techniques have been shown to have specific differences in brain physiology that influences creativity, emotional balance, positivity, decision making, and connection between both hemispheres of the brain. The Organic Field works with individuals at any level to learn and grow in meditation while implementing practical mindfulness techniques that can change daily life experience.
Advanced Spiritual Practices
This is for the adventurer and the explorer. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Energy Medicine, Heightened Visualization, Manifestation Techniques, Merkabah Activation, Reiki, Shamanic Journey, Torsion, Tantra, Meditation, Flower of Life, Zero-Point Field, Matrix Programming, etc. If you have always wanted to know how much “more” there can be and are interested in a truly perspective altering experience these sessions are for you. PRACTITIONERS: Ask for educational format if pursuing or enhancing skills for a career in healing arts.
Cognitive & Technical
Life Patterns & Emotion
Patterns are everywhere in our lives. They are at the core of who we are and build the lives we live. Some patterns may be healthy and other patterns may be toxic. Whether there are issues you wish to change or emotions you wish to get under control, The Organic Field is here to listen and reframe so that you can make conscious and impactful decisions that benefit you and your creations. Shedding past ideas that serve you not, changing mindsets, and conditioning yourself to new thinking might be easier than you think with a little encouragement.
Trait Refinement
Every individual has personality traits that make them a beautiful being, even if they are hidden. To draw these traits out and expand on them is key to a bright shining personality. Sometimes they are hindered by our less-desirable traits which need to be loved and cared for to shift into positivity and joy. Trait Refinement at The Organic Field is cleaning house, getting rid of the clutter, and shining/polishing/buffing what is already there so that yourself and others can get to know the ultimate you.
Relationships & Community
Issues in interpersonal relationships are common, everyone deals with them. We focus on forgiveness, understanding, respect, boundaries, communication, and healthy evaluation of reconciliation to alleviate you of all the social baggage that gets built up. These sessions are meant for you to express yourself and receive guidance to approach situations in building healthy dynamics for yourself and others.
Intimacy & Sexuality
There are few topics more commonly overlooked in the world of self-care than intimacy and sexuality. We carry intimacy into all aspects of life from our interpersonal interactions to building and maintaining healthy relationships. Many people have “hang-ups” which are created by unhealthy expectations and experiences. The purpose of these sessions is to enhance intimate expression and achieve that ultimate experience of a deeper and enriched intimate experience with yourself and with your partners. *For individuals and couples
Budget, Finance, & Professional
The most common stress in our society is financial. The Organic Field recognizes and addresses this uniquely by believing we can have the things we desire by building discipline and focus. This company is a prime example. Creating budget, minimizing, professional development, education navigation, skill building, resume/professional documents, and interview coaching are available. IF you are ready to achieve complete liberation of your finances, skills, and time; inquire about Small Business Solutions.
Practitioner Solutions
Advanced Training & Solutions For Healing Practice
Transformative Education
Practitioner & Coach Training
The Organic Field has been training healing arts professionals for over a decade; spreading joy, love, and enlightenment throughout the world. From the beginner to the advanced practitioner, The Organic Field is prepared to educate and train individuals to implement any of the skills and practices listed in our services section. We are committed to training the most effective and successful healers.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanism has been glamorized and mistreated in modern holistic settings. It is a methodology and a way of life to achieve greatest potential in harmony with nature. This training is not for the faint of heart. The Shamanic School of Wizardry is a PRIVATE education designed to guide an initiate through fundamental healing principles, spiritual/cognitive theory, advanced energy work, interdimensional implications, and shamanic journey.
Scientific Research
Our profession is littered with inacurate and misguided information that damages the credibility of the beautiful work of enhancing life experience. The Organic Field is committed to high integrity by paying rigorous detail to scientifally peer reviewed and factual information. Set yourself apart by learning scientific methodology, research archive navigation, and data/study interpretation to enhance the quality of your practice.
Building a Practice
Brand, Market, Print, & Web
So now you have a skillset and are ready to change the world and help people live their best life… Now what? Every practitioner needs a basic representation by which to say, “I am here and ready to be of service.” The Organic Field is equipped to provide logos, graphics, business materials (cards, flyers, videos, etc.), document formatting, web design, and advertisement/marketing plans. Give yourself the edge you need to stand out.
Ethics, Legality, & Responsibility.
In The United States, there are no regulations on certifications for “alternative” therapeutics and healing modalities. Certification and education programs are often vague and do not qualify you to do anything. It is for the practitioner to know their scope, limitations, and legalities to keep their clients safe and protect their self. Learn how to navigate the logistics, legislation, and terms of your practice to be confident in your delivery, representation, and liability.
Business Coaching
The most important aspect of any business is crossing T’s and dotting I’s by incorporating a business, trademarking, sales licensing, advertising, marketing, acquiring insurance, opening accounts, payroll, bookkeeping, and taxes. You need the correct information and services that support your business. The Organic Field is here to help. Find peace of mind by legitimizing your practice.